Saturday, June 16, 2007


11.04. 08

I don't care who you vote for..(Hell yes I do, just ask me!) but you need to know some non-partisan information to gird yourself for the coming shitstorm of politics that is our modern presidential election. Here are some resources to keep you informed about the election and government process.

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The new Pomp

Snakes shed skin... caterpillars transform....

After co-running and training at a technology fair for work, and looking at umpteen blogs for our Learning 2.0 project, I decided my blog needed a little shakeup....Welcome to that shakeup.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007


Old Friends and 11 shots

Saw my oldest friend William, his new girl Stephanie, and Dave (aka Whiteman) sucking down hooch, jolly rancher shots at the Mercury Lounge.

Tonight I discovered that the difference between a bar and a lounge is the price of drinks. Lounge means $5 more per drink.

Good times.

Today we see folks we have not seen in 22.5 years.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007


New York, New York Big City of Dreams

I am coming back for a whirlwind visit to my hometown of Brooklyn, Nueva York for a 22 and half year reunion of my high school class. Yes that makes me, well 40 in August.

And of course, I am staying in a New Jersey hotel. Rooms are damn expensive in Brooklyn.

Oh, if you want a taste of what I do for a living. Visit my work blog Chronicles of The (almost) Bald Tech Trainer

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Thursday, April 12, 2007


RIP Kurt Daffodill-13 Vonnegut

If there is one author can be held responsible for creating me it is Kurt Vonnegut. He shuffled off this mortal coil leaving the world a much more enlightened place. He was 84 years old.

The Sirens of Titan was the first truly adult literature I read as a teenager in the Brooklyn Friends School Library. To this day I do not know what drew me to this fantastic book. It doesn't matter really. The truth is it was just meant to be.

Flags will be at half staff in Ilium, New York and Turtle Bay, Manhattan.

I miss him already.

Read one of his books and remember with me.

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Sunday, April 08, 2007


Hair Like Lamb's Wool and From the Middle East -- and he is pale?

In honor of Easter, a somewhat major Christian holiday I have a question.

Was C(c)hrist Black?


Black jesus at wikipedia.

BBC's Faces of Jesus - Forensic Jesus

BBC's Faces of Jesus - Black Jesus

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Grandma and K.

Grandma and Katiana 3-25-07
Originally uploaded by spaced cowboy.

Another picture of Special K. Gravels. This time with her grandma's finger in hand.

The photo is on Flickr.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


America's newest New York Yankees Fan

born today 5:45 am here in Maryland, our newest grandchild....

Katiana (no middle name yet) Gravels

She came in the world at just over 7 pounds, and 20.5 inches long.

Damn she is cute....

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Some Stupid Young Texas White People

"Known for its championship rodeo teams, Tarleton State University is a usually quiet campus.

But that wasn't the case Thursday, a day after more than 400 people attended a campus meeting to discuss a Martin Luther King Jr. party last week that many people found racially offensive. "

From KHOU-Houston Story Click here for the full story.

There are two sample pictures of their shennagians.

Stupid White People at Texas School


Stupid White People at Texas School 2

The rest of the pictures (all 18 of them) are here at The Smoking Gun.

Stupid. Young. Texas. White. People.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Totally Hidden Cowboy Video

Remember in October I posted pictures of my winning my job's dance contest?

Well, there was a camera rolling and here is the video. I am towards the end of the skit/contest. See me on the left hand side of the shot.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Plastic Scripture

Behold the Brick Testament. Bible stories and scripture done in Legos.

Yes, Legos.

An example. Here is his rendering of the Last Supper. This site needs to be seen to be believed.

Lego Last Supper from

Thanks Annette G. for showing this to me.

Monday, December 25, 2006


RIP JB Part 2

The Godfather, Prince and the freakish Gloved One.


And the man could swing some serious straight soul...

And made Ed Sullivan soulful. That is some F'n power.

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