Thursday, April 12, 2007


RIP Kurt Daffodill-13 Vonnegut

If there is one author can be held responsible for creating me it is Kurt Vonnegut. He shuffled off this mortal coil leaving the world a much more enlightened place. He was 84 years old.

The Sirens of Titan was the first truly adult literature I read as a teenager in the Brooklyn Friends School Library. To this day I do not know what drew me to this fantastic book. It doesn't matter really. The truth is it was just meant to be.

Flags will be at half staff in Ilium, New York and Turtle Bay, Manhattan.

I miss him already.

Read one of his books and remember with me.

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do you know i had no idea you were that much of a fan? i haven't read a book of his - it was cat's cradle, i think - for years & years & years. will do so now.
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